mPower beneficiaries with diabetes who lived in the three Scottish health board areas participating in mPower were offered access to a tool called ‘My Diabetes My Way’.
My Diabetes My Way is a free NHS interactive website and mobile app to help support people who have diabetes as well as their family and friends. It complements the face- to- face care patients receive and uses industry standard security to protect patient data. It advises on how to improve self-care in between appointments and patients can check up-to-date personalised information on their NHS Diabetes Record at any time. It helps to motivate patients by becoming expert in their condition and making changes which can benefit their health. It also allows the patient to set and monitor goals and record activity, blood glucose, weight and blood pressure results. All of these can be used to discuss progress during clinical consultations.
Beneficiaries using My Diabetes My Way report that it helps them manage their condition better and makes better use of consultation time with their diabetes team. Users report feeling more educated about the condition and more likely to make positive lifestyle changes. Currently over 30,000 people with diabetes in Scotland are active users of My Diabetes My Way.