As research and evaluation partner to mPower, the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) Division of Rural Health and Wellbeing team has collected qualitative and quantitative evidence on the impact of mPower on beneficiaries and other key stakeholders.
There is much evidence that beneficiaries have found their interactions with mPower to be positive experiences. They particularly discussed decreased social isolation, decreased loneliness, increased feelings of empowerment and confidence, increased digital literacy and a facilitation of self-management behaviours.
mPower continued to support beneficiaries throughout the Covid-19 pandemic through the adaptability and resilience of mPower staff. Quantitative data shows no decrease in most mPower beneficiaries’ levels of physical health, loneliness or life satisfaction at a time when general population health indicators were showing decreases.
The evaluation work has demonstrated some of the contextual factors and mechanisms associated with positive impact generation within mPower, including strong links with local health care and third sector services and a patient-centred approach delivered by Community Navigators.
You can read more about these findings in the Final evaluation report, including both qualitative and quantitative data, and presented below. An Executive Summary of the report is provided also.
Read the Executive Summary here.
Read the Final evaluation report here.