Positive shared learning experience for participants

In March 2021 mPower embarked on its first ECHO Knowledge Network and went onto deliver 9 ECHO sessions throughout 2021 as a key part of the shared learning work-stream. The aim of the network was to establish a community of practice for mPower which encourages learning and collaboration across sectors & sites.

The network was led by Nicola Maher, mPower Shared Learning Manager with sessions facilitated by various members of the mPower network and the evaluation shows a hugely positive response from participants, with over 95% of participants stating when surveyed, they would like to participate in the mPower network again. 95% of participants agreed the topics delivered where relevant to their role and 48% of participants said they have shared the mPower ECHO learning with other members of staff or services.

The mPower programme which was varied and co-designed by network participants who identified education topics such as ‘impact of social isolation’; ‘frailty – how do we build resilience’ and ‘how to support communities now and post pandemic’.

Nicola Maher, mPower Shared Learning Manager said “We’re thrilled to have been part of the ECHO network and to use the platform to start conversations that have truly benefited older people living with long-term conditions. We’ve had such fantastic feedback from participants that we have planned a further 5 sessions for 2022 to take us to the closure of the mPower project. We’ll be sharing the programme very soon”. 

Please see here for the evaluation of the mPower ECHO network overall as well as the Covid 19 response ECHO network project evaluation.

To take part in the forthcoming mPower ECHO network sessions please email nicola.maher@nhs.scot

To learn more about the mPower ECHO Knowledge Network visit echonorthernireland.co.uk/mpower/